Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 8: Kyoto

Today we woke up in our wonderful King size bed and ate some pasteries that we picked up at the market last night. We took our time getting ready and made our way to the golden pagoda temple approximately 45 minutes outside of Kyoto by bus. The pagoda was beautiful. We took some amazing pictures and explored the grounds. We saw some huge coi and a few neat birds. We hit the jackpot with a cheap ice cream vending machine which made our day! We then headed into the Gion district of Kyoto where we explored what felt like the biggest mall/market we had ever seen! There were endless shops and we managed to pick up a few neat things. Steve really wants some japanese worded clothing but believe it or not he can't find any. Every store had copious amounts of english worded clothing and american music playing. We felt at home and found it interesting to observe the western influences on Japanese cluture. We found still more ice cream treats and ate sushi again for dinner. Not a bad day!

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